Founder and Coach
Remco Visscher
My name is Remco Visscher (1986). I was born and raised in Harderwijk in 1986. After successfully completing my sports education in Zwolle, I worked for several years as a personal fitness trainer and lifestyle coach.
Over time, my area of interest changed. I learned that our behavior, performance and quality of life is mainly determined by the subconscious part of our brain. Since I get my satisfaction from making people perform and function optimally, it was a logical consequence for me that I wanted to continue in this field. After selling my two previous companies, I have specialized myself further in optimal behavioral and mindset change over the past 8 years.
In my free time I can be found at the gym, in nature or on the couch with a good movie or book. Everything is about balance of course 🙂
I still coach a number of well-known elite athletes and focus on the work of our other labels: I Love Mindset® and Sticky L&D®.
I do this to help as many people as possible resolve their inner blockages and stress.

Coach and project leader
Marie Christine Hermsen
My name is Marie-Christine. As a Coach & Project Leader @Sticky Mindset, it won't surprise you that I have an infinite curiosity about human behavior & personal development. I spent the first 20+ years of my career working in corporate environments, especially in commercial and operational management.
After becoming increasingly aware of the impact of stress in the workplace, I began to study and develop myself in this area. The combination of mental and physical complaints are not only my fascination, but also my expertise. Besides being a Mental Coach, I am also trained as an Herbalist and Orthomolecular Therapist.
Over the past year, Remco and I merged our areas of expertise into a common mission: To help as many people as possible solve stress on their own. Individual coaching therefore expanded into online coaching.
In some of our new online modules you will also see me in person. I think that's really important, to be able to give that familiar feeling in an online experience.
I enjoy life & wish everyone the same! This has not always been obvious to me. Thus, we all have our own quest. In my own life, the word autonomy is central. I therefore think it is important to teach people how to take control of their own lives. By giving them the tools to release stress and break old patterns. And let's face it, at Sticky Mindset we are not only very enthusiastic about this, but also very good at it.
I give trainings, workshops and presentations to business and coach people on an individual basis. Besides my work I love to be in nature and have two lovely dogs together with my Business & Life partner Remco.